Friday 27 February 2015

Mallory knox - Shout at the Moon

The lighting is very effective in this video. This is something we will try and do because it can be very eye-catching and appealing to the audience. The light also resembles a moon which links to lyrics and song title of "shout at the moon".

There is close-ups of the singer. This is a common theme thorughout my research of music videos. The close-ups are common because the singer can easily relate to audience and this is achieved through close-ups.

There are lots of shots of the band playing with each member of the band being present throughout the music video. We will certianly have individual shot of each member playing during the live performance in the studio.

The performance is typically energetic from the singer. Again this can make the audience relate to the singer but also improves his star image persona.

I very much like the editing style in some places. From 2.31 seconds onwards, there are lots of fast cuts to match the fast paced music.

Overall this video inspired me because of the effecitively lighting they use which is visible throughout the video.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Strokes - Reptilia

Camera frames and shots 

My influential music video is Reptilia by The Strokes. The intial reason I chose this was because it matched our genre, Garage Rock. However, it was most influential because of the chosen camera frames and the chosen shots. There are a whole lot of close-ups of the instruments and band members. The close-ups are very creative and stylish such as the shot of the drummer's shoe. From this we decided to input close-ups of instruments we are playing in the music video because we thought it would add style to our video. We will vary our shots because, like in this video, we will be playing in a studio therefore I think we will need different camera frames and different camera shots to vary it up because the audience don't want the same camera shots when it cuts back to us playing in the studio as our music video is going to be more than 3 minutes long. In the music video, there are close-ups of the whole band but mainly on the singer and especially when he sings. Close-ups of the band is a pretty common convention but still signinficant because close-ups is way for the audience to identify with the band.  From watching this video,  we will use close-ups of the band members faces to identify with our audience and shots of the instruments to vary our shots and close-ups of the insturments e.g. the guitar neck to add style.